
Saturday, December 20, 2014

8 Ways To Figure Out What You Really Want In Life

If you want to figure out what you really want in life, I mean your Life! You’ve come to the right place.

I’ve got some tips that hopefully will help you find your passion and purpose in life. Many of us live our lives without knowing what we really want.

We often do what our parents tell us to do and often don’t question if those decisions are right for us (but you don’t have to be rude in asking). That’s why many of us are so miserable and not happy with our lives especially with our jobs, Marriages etc.

Finding out what you want to do in life is a difficult task and you can’t do it overnight, but it’s possible, Yelsssss very possible! though it may take a lot of time and efforts.

Follow me let’s see a few tips on how to discover what you really want in life.

1. Let go of the past
Before you start discovering what you want in life, you should let go of your past and have no regrets, rather engage yourself with the lessons. You want to live a happy life but your past may be holding you back. No matter how hard you try, you can’t change your past mistakes. Focus on the present in view of achieving your dreams.

2. Find out what you really need
Figure out what you need in life in order to be happy. Yes, it’s a hard task that may take you lots of time.

Think over what are the most significant things to you: your love, family, or financial state. Once you know the answer to your questions, you’ll know what you should do to live a more fulfilled life.

3. Discover what makes you happy
Do you know those things that make you feel genuinely happy? Simply take several moments daily and think of the things you like and that make you feel alive and more energized.

When you discover what those things are, you will know what you have to do in life. If you get unhappy or anxious just thinking about your job, it’s time to reconsider your career goals.

4. Where will you be in 5 years?
Have you ever imagined where you will be in 5 years? It might be difficult to picture yourself in the future, but it will help you to figure out what you really want in life. Think about what goals you want to reach and what skills you want to develop in 5 years. Once you answer to your questions, make a plan to achieve your goals.

5. Pursue a hobby
Another surefire way to figure out what you want in life is to experiment and pursue various hobbies to know what suits you best and what you like. You might find out quite surprising things about you which will make you re-evaluate your priorities and goals.

6. Find out what you don’t like
Discover what things bother you and you’ll know what you don’t have to do in life. I suggest that you make a list of things you hate and this list will certainly help you find out what you need to do to be happier.

Maybe you don’t like your current job, or maybe your best friend is not actually your best friend, whatever, start changing your life for the better today. After all, your life is too short to spend it doing things you hate.

7. Choose your friends wisely
The key to success in life is the team underneath you. Do you have players that work for you? Are the people you surround yourself with better than you are? Do they have greater skills? Can they teach you things? The most successful people in the world hire above them, not their equal.

In life, especially in a business environment, when you surround yourself with people who are more successful, more motivated, and more ambitious than you, it’s going to rub off on you. You’re going to want to become as good as them. Not only that, if you own a business, you need to hire people better than you, otherwise you’re going to spend your time hitting your head on a wall trying to get them to understand what they need to do.

Think of all the people in your life as a member of your team.  Do you have people that bring you down?  People who don’t push you forward?  People who don’t support who you are?

Surround yourself with people who are superior to you. Surround yourself with people you can learn from.  Surround yourself with winners and eliminate all the losers from your life.  Surely it is going to elevate your game and push you to the next level.  
8. Seek for advice
If you tried all the tips mentioned above and you still can’t discover what you really want in your life, hmmm... I recommend you to talk to someone (a parent, a sibling, a friend (good friends), Clergymen or maybe a therapist). Sometimes it’s okay to ask for advice. Your friend can point out certain things you might have never noticed before, and can help you to figure out your life goals.

I hope these tips helped you to discover your purpose in life and now you know what you want to do in your life. Life is not easy and you should always be ready to tackle new challenges and become more successful.

Life is simple: Figure out what you want, then figure out what you are going to give up to get it, then DO IT! DON"T COMPLICATE IT!

Biko, Ejo, Yankuri... If you have some other tips, please share them in the comments box.

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